5 Myths about being a Writer

Writers are perceived in many ways. Here are some myths about writers that are not true!


1. Writers are Eccentric – some call it being reclusive and odd — yet it could merely be peculiar habits that help the writing process. People look for inspiration in different ways, and writers may have a unique way of looking at things.


2. Writers hate Deadlines — well, who does not? While writing is a personal endeavour, deadlines are essential to keep on track of a project — mainly if the project is in collaboration with others.  Writers respect this immensely.


3. Writers are Hermits — while famed authors like Emily Dickinson have lent credence to this myth, most writers are social beings — though they enjoy solitude while writing — they have active social lives and meeting new people is an integral part of their learning curve.


4. Writers are Grammar Nazis – while it is good to have sound grammar — most writers do struggle with spelling and grammar. They hone their skills with writing regularly and learning from their mistakes.


5. Writers wait for Inspiration — this is not exactly true — if they wait around for inspiration to turn up — the writing will never start and end. What they do instead is put words on paper — no matter how hard it is. As Ernest Hemmingway said “There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it’s like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges.”


About WriteHaus Asia

WriteHaus Asia is a Singapore based branding and content agency.  Founded in 2016, we believe in accelerating brands through content, video/photography, digital media and branding.

For more information on what we do, please call us at (+65) 8100-7064 or (+65) 9488-2725. Alternatively you may also drop us an email with your queries at hello@writehausasia.com.

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