Learning New Tricks: Why We Put Writers at The Heart of Our Business

Persuasion Is Key

Persuasive writing techniques benefit both internal and external communications. Sales and marketing professionals are skilled at persuading customers to take the desired action. The most important technique in persuasive writing is ‘it’s all about you.’

Ask Yourself: What piques the reader’s interest in your topic? Write your content from the perspective of your reader rather than your own.



Good Writers Are Credible

Those advanced writing skills are perceived as more trustworthy and reliable. Assume your customer receives an email from your brand with strange abbreviations and misspelt words. You may appear less intelligent or qualified than your competition, and if your writing contains obvious errors, potential customers are hesitant to pay for your services.

Ask Yourself: Are you doing everything you can to protect your credibility? Careless mistakes give the impression that you don’t care enough to double-check your work, leading clients to wonder what else you’ve been sloppy with. It’s just not worth the risk!


Keep It Concise

When one word suffices, never use three. Don’t say the same thing in two different ways. Writing concisely improves the clarity of your writing for your brand image. Avoid “big” words and jargon and cut out unnecessary words.

Ask Yourself: Is this the best way for something to be written? How can you further improve it while still capturing its meaning? Being able to convey your message accurately and succinctly is a valuable skill, especially when your audience is busy and has limited time.



Nothing beats a good anecdote. When you incorporate stories into your brand communications, you reap significant benefits. You want readers to connect emotionally with your story. Consider carefully the message your story tells and how it makes your audience think and feel.

Ask Yourself: What do I want to say? What is the key message? What do I want the reader to think about my story? You can make changes as you go, but it’s important to know where you’re going before you begin.



Audience Engagement

Your content marketing strategy is a brand awareness tool in addition to rankings, links, and SEO. It enables you to enjoy the benefits of increasing your audience and becoming more visible. When potential customers connect with your content, they are more likely to return for the next update, tell others about it, and trust your brand.

Ask Yourself: Are your customers engaging with your brand regularly? People rather lend their trust to companies that boost a strong online influence. A company that rarely posts content, on the other hand, doesn’t inspire trust. It translates to a lack of communication skills, which no one finds appealing in either people or brands.

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