We Rebranded!

We’re proud to announce a brand refresh, and we can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Since we were founded in 2016, we’ve grown from a humble trio team, to a company filled with grit and rigour.

Why rebrand, you may ask? As we have evolved, we have matured significantly. We’re bolder and more confident now. As our old branding did not capture the fun synergy we had in the company, it was time to give our brand a facelift!



So, What’s New?

Brand-Driven Storytelling



Meet the WHA Team!

Over the last few months, we’ve been racking our brains to think of a strong personality to cut through the noise.

We’re tired of being overlooked online; we need a more effective brand positioning. The trick… is to be authentic. We are much more relatable and casual, to effectively engage our audiences on a deeper level.

People also prefer seeing images on websites, as opposed to large chunks of texts. So, that’s exactly what we did— wrap our message in a visual story.


Unveiling the New Logo:



A logo is the visual foundation of a business’s brand identity. Just like a handshake or a first meeting with an individual, logos helps to create a — strong first impression for consumers.

With the ‘Less is more’ approach in mind, we decided to simplify and freshen up our brand look with a modern and minimalist logo. Why purple out of all the other color? Purple is a color of rigour, which happens to perfectly encapsulate our versatility! More than anything, we wanted to appear as a stable and dependable creative agency for all our clients to trust.


A Catchy Tagline:



Writehaus Asia is a creative agency that embraces the bold.

What does being bold mean to you? For us, its being true to ourselves. It’s also about stepping outside of your comfort zone, and being confident when making decisions. Unlike others, we’re a creative agency that embraces the bold. The best part? We’re not afraid of seeking new and relatable solutions. Remember us, Writehaus Asia. We’re —Bold & Relatable, and we hope to empower clients to think the same.


Moodboard & Color Palette:



Stepped Up Our Social Media Game

Last but not the least, we also rejuvenated our social media presence. As a creative agency, we needed to strike a balance between fun, vibrant and mature; We wanted to capture every facet of the clientele we worked with.



We first started by establishing the right set of color choices. We went with the purple and blue that was in our logo, and just by choosing the right brand color, the magic happens. Instantly, our social media feed looks so much more vibrant and inviting.


Before vs After








The font we used is League Spartan, a minimalist font, which best represented our personality — clean yet bold.









We also went on to redesign our highlights covers. Previously, certain important information such as ‘Our Services’ were missing, hence we decided to include them so that you can get to know us and our offerings better!

Apart from ensuring a cohesive look and feel throughout our social media, we also made sure to post regularly. For the month of December, we created interactive polls and questions to engage our followers, wrote blogs, and showcased our works. We are starting to see the fruits of our labour — Our recent post has garnered 100 views! We hope to continue produce fun and engaging content for our audiences.



What does this rebrand mean for our clients?

Our goal is to develop a bold brand and impactful voice to cut through the noise. We’ve shifted to a more engaging website and stepped up our social media game, so that you can find us easily, and we can better connect with you in 2022!

We are still the same hardworking team who is committed to our clients, and we will always push boundaries to deliver the best to you.

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