5 Tips on How to Give Back in Singapore

The 2020 COVID-19 pill has been a tough one to swallow for everyone around the world. Life has changed for many people as it has affected our interactions and the way we live our lives. Fortunately, the need to protect each other through staying indoors has reminded us of one important thing. We live in […]

Raising a Globally Competitive Child with a Positive Mindset

This article is the first of a multi-series combining the perspective of a parent of two young children, early childhood educator and senior executive of corporations who have hired and coached young professionals and entrepreneurs around the world. While many parents recognize academic performance does not necessarily translate into happiness and career success for their […]

6 Tips for Managing the Wellbeing of Children

As we enter Phase 2 here in Singapore, we do so with caution, while the economy has opened, we remain vigilant and aware of social distancing and hygiene measures to keep us safe. After 2.5 months adults have learned to manage with life in the new normal — yet the true heroes of this lock […]

8 Strategies to Effective Job Search during COVID-19

How job seekers can manage job search expectations during the global pandemic, and what can be done to improve prospects in the meantime. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty in the job market. Restrictions imposed on travelling, trade and business coupled with the work from home arrangement has pushed companies to re-assess […]

Through the Eyes of Parents & Children

COVID19 has abruptly thrown our lives into unprecedented times, testing our resolve. It has taken over life as we know it, our work, daily routines, and entertainment. However, through adversity, it has also sown the seeds of hope, endurance, and perseverance. Stories that show us that with solidarity, we can carry each other through the […]

Cabin Fever Syndrome – How You Can Cope with It

As we move into week 4 of our Circuit Breaker, it is understandable that everyone is feeling a little edgy. Work and school keep us occupied to an extent, but as the weeks drag on, so does the restlessness. Walking from the window to the wall is getting to us each day because, by design, […]

12 Things to Do During the Circuit-Breaker

2020 has certainly been off to a bumpy start, amid the COVID- 19 pandemic and a potential economic downturn, it seems that everyone is uneasy about what the future holds. The unknown has sown the seeds of panic and fear; this is a time where we must band together, and not insist only on self-preservation. […]

Self- Respect: Why it is essential for Adulting

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson. Self-confidence is a struggle for many. The lens in which we view ourselves is unforgiving, critical and demoralising. Every day, when we look in the mirror, we see someone ordinary, instead of […]

3 Simple Ways to Start Writing in 2020

“The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind,” said Albert Einstein. Quietude is a sanctuary where most writers thrive. It is a much-needed respite from the ‘noise’ that swirls in our minds relentlessly. After the quiet, thoughts flow freely and feelings are spoken on the pages. Writing is a cathartic release […]

Do Singaporeans Still Read?

  From Kinokuniya, Times, MPH, Page One to Popular itself, the bookstores in Singapore are dying like flies. With the rise of rental rates, competition from online retailers and rapid digitalisation, the brick and mortar bookstores that we’ve come to adore are barely staying afloat. A 2016 National Arts Council (NAC) survey reveals that a lack […]

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