What Is a Soft Life And Why Are People Embracing It?

Embrace the Soft Life Trend The internet once glorified the #grind and the rise of the #girlboss, whereas the new#softlife trend is the polar opposite of hustle culture. The bottom line is a soft life is one of ease and comfort. It’s a way of life in which you let go of constant pressure, overwhelm, and […]

Get Up, Get Dressed — Why Looking Good Is the Start To Feeling Good

1. Looking Good = Feeling Good It’s a well-known fact that dressing up makes you feel better. So, take a hot shower and dress up! It makes you feel good about yourself, and there are no drawbacks. Wearing your favourite dress or suit and putting on some accessories transform you into a new person and […]

15 Wellness Gifts for Christmas

    Christmas is a time to rejoice, reflect and rekindle joyous memories. It is a season of giving which can be overwhelming, with the rush to purchase gifts whilst keeping up with family and work amidst all the gatherings (now that we can meet as 5 vaccinated adults!). As we slide into the festivities, […]

5 Ways to Start Working Out

It is easy to get ambitious and try the fancy workouts we see online, but it is essential to honour the body’s needs. By starting with something simple and easy, you will also stay with the exercise, instead of giving up on it. As with anything new, it is reasonable not to be able to […]

Quotes from women who are/were titans in their respective fields

Quotes are a great way to learn about different perspectives. Some quotes have had me go “Wow, I never thought about it that way!”. Here are some quotes from women who are/were titans in their respective fields!   About WriteHaus Asia WriteHaus Asia is a Singapore based branding and content agency.  Founded in 2016, we […]

5 Myths about being a Writer

Writers are perceived in many ways. Here are some myths about writers that are not true!   1. Writers are Eccentric – some call it being reclusive and odd — yet it could merely be peculiar habits that help the writing process. People look for inspiration in different ways, and writers may have a unique […]

Monday Blues? Here are 5 ways to stay inspired this week!

  About WriteHaus Asia WriteHaus Asia is a Singapore based branding and content agency.  Founded in 2016, we believe in accelerating brands through content, video/photography, digital media and branding. For more information on what we do, please call us at (+65) 8100-7064 or (+65) 9488-2725. Alternatively you may also drop us an email with your […]

5 Tips on How to Give Back in Singapore

The 2020 COVID-19 pill has been a tough one to swallow for everyone around the world. Life has changed for many people as it has affected our interactions and the way we live our lives. Fortunately, the need to protect each other through staying indoors has reminded us of one important thing. We live in […]

Raising a Globally Competitive Child with a Positive Mindset

This article is the first of a multi-series combining the perspective of a parent of two young children, early childhood educator and senior executive of corporations who have hired and coached young professionals and entrepreneurs around the world. While many parents recognize academic performance does not necessarily translate into happiness and career success for their […]

6 Tips for Managing the Wellbeing of Children

As we enter Phase 2 here in Singapore, we do so with caution, while the economy has opened, we remain vigilant and aware of social distancing and hygiene measures to keep us safe. After 2.5 months adults have learned to manage with life in the new normal — yet the true heroes of this lock […]