Branding: Why Nobody Cares

Teal branding with a guide book and packaging

What do you want to be remembered as?  Do you want people to remember your sparkling personality and your heartfelt interactions with them, or do you want to be remembered as a beautiful face? Like people, brands leave a lasting impression on us, as we tend to associate certain feelings and experiences with them. You […]

5 Reasons Why Storytelling is Key for Entrepreneurs

  We often hear and read about stories; be it in fiction like novels and storybooks — non-fiction such as biographies, feature stories, the news — in entertainment through movies and songs. Storytelling has always been critical to the human race; we communicate and share our experiences through the stories we tell — storytelling is also […]

5 Ways Brands Can Navigate the Cancel Culture

Image from Lisa Benson Cancel culture a concept imported from the United States, is fast taking heat as brands of today face the constant threat of being cast out. According to the Edelman Brand study, 64% of consumers in the world will consume or boycott a brand merely because of its stance on a particular […]

6 Ways to Let your Content Do the Talking

Authenticity Realness is so very important — particularly in today’s times, where it is difficult to distinguish what is true and false. When you demonstrate empathy, sincerity and stay honest to the heart of what your brand and company is, people are more likely to relate to you.   Descriptiveness Don’t we all hate it […]

Learning Horizon – Up, Close and Personal with the team.

Since 2000, Learning Horizon has been a leader in the enrichment space, providing an encouraging, creative, and interactive environment for young minds, parents and corporates. Their suite of programmes include Speech & Drama, Science, Coding, Robotics, Parenting Workshops and Customised Camps. Read on to learn more about Learning Horizon and how they have evolved during […]

6 Ways to Have Productive Online Meetings

As we approach ‘I don’t know which week we are on’ of the circuit breaker in Singapore, it looks like telecommuting is here to stay. So, it means more of the ‘Ums, Huhs and Sorry I could not hear you’ monologues we have with ourselves as we stare into a screen of different faces. We […]

3 Ways to Reshape Your Marketing Efforts During COVID-19

We are facing a crisis right now, each time we look at the news, COVID-19 has us in a tailspin, particularly for businesses. Marketing plans are taking a hit due to the travel bans and restrictions, quarantines, deferment of large-scale events and with more people working remotely. Companies are toeing the lines of maybes and […]

5 Reasons your Brand needs a Coffee table Book

The story of a brand is not static; it meanders through key events and milestones to form its history. Products and services are the lineaments of a brand story, yet the compelling narrative of your brand is what draws the customers.  There are many ways of highlighting how your brand works and what drives it; […]


  “If you trust play, you will not have to control your child’s development as much. Play will raise the child in ways you can never imagine”, said Vince Gowmon. As children spend more time on their screens, we deny them the wonders of movement. These days, children are rarely seen playing outside, soaking in […]

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